Subaru of Las Vegas, De Castroverde Law Group grant $10,000 scholarship

Findlay’s Subaru of Las Vegas has partnered with De Castroverde Law Group for its 2021 Road to College Academic Scholarship. The businesses combined their donations of $5,000 to award a Las Vegas Valley high school senior with $10,000 to go toward a college or university tuition.

The selected student must also share the mission of Findlay’s Subaru of Las Vegas, which is to make the world a better place by being a positive force in the community with actions that set an example for others to follow.

Accepted applications began on April 1 and will continue to be accepted through April 30. The application process will consist of a 1,000-word essay on how to inspire change in the community or one thing about the world the student would change, in addition to other eligibility requirements. The winning applicant will be selected May 7 and will be notified by phone and email.

For additional information or to submit your application, visit SubaruofLasVegas.com.

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