Man accused of assaulting girl walking home from Las Vegas school

William Schilz (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

A man is jailed in Las Vegas on kidnapping and sexual assault charges after a 12-year-old girl said he sexually assaulted her and threatened to kill her as she was walking home from school.

William Schilz, 29, approached the girl in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven at 2910 Maryland Parkway last week and told her to “go to to the corner or he would kill her,” according to an arrest report obtained by the Review-Journal.

Schilz, also known as William Schulz, forced the girl against a wall, grabbed her breasts and made her perform a sex act, the report stated.

At least three witnesses reported to police that they observed the attack, one photographing the incident and another chasing Schilz on foot. Video surveillance from the store helped police track Schilz down.

The girl told police that she was walking home from school with a friend when she was followed from the 7-Eleven parking lot, according to the report.

She “believed the male was homeless due to him rambling to himself and walking ‘heavy footed,’ ” the report stated. “She continued to walk but heard footsteps coming from behind her and observed the same male walking up to her quickly.”

He said that he had a gun, and told her to “pull up her shirt.” The girl then “told him she was scared and asked him to let her go,” the report continued. “The male told her to listen to him or he would kill her.”

After the attack, the man “left, jumped over the gate, and she left crying,” the girl told police.

The girl’s mother told police that she became worried when she tried to call her daughter around 2:40 p.m. on Feb. 28 and the girl did not answer. Twelve minutes later, the girl called her mother and described what happened.

Police reviewed surveillance video from the 7-Eleven and used facial recognition technology to identify Schilz, who was arrested that evening wearing the same T-shirt near Karen Avenue and Maryland Parkway, according to the report.

Schilz initially denied a sexual encounter, but later told police that he believed she was 18 years old and he paid her $20 for the sex act.

Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Diana Sullivan ordered Schilz held without bail. He is due back in court later this month. A defense attorney for Schilz could not be reached.

Contact David Ferrara at dferrara@reviewjournal.com or 702-380-1039. Follow @randompoker on Twitter.

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