Prince William says he’d be ‘absolutely fine’ with gay child

Britain's Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, reacts to receiving a gift bag from trust chie ...

LONDON — Britain’s Prince William says it would be “absolutely fine” if one of his children came out as gay though he’d worry about how the public would respond.

William made the comment on Wednesday while visiting a London nonprofit group that works with young LGBT people who are homeless or living in hostile environments.

A participant in a group discussion at the Albert Kennedy Trust asked him, “If your child one day in the future said, ‘Oh I’m gay, oh I’m lesbian’ whatever, how would you react?”

William replied that would be “obviously absolutely fine by me.”

The father of three said: “It worries me not because of them being gay. It worries me as to how everyone else will react and perceive it, and then the pressure is then on them.”

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