Share your Thanksgiving recipes
Are you the kind of cook who makes the same dishes for Thanksgiving year after year, using treasured family recipes? Or are you the kind who likes to experiment, coming up with a different menu every year? Whichever category you fit into, the Review-Journal hopes you’re willing to share.
We’re asking readers to send us their favorite Thanksgiving recipes for publication before the big holiday. We’ll choose some for publication in the newspaper and more for publication online. And one recipe will be chosen, by drawing, for the grand prize of a Thanksgiving turkey.
Mark the recipe with your name, daytime telephone number and the source of the recipe. Mail them to Thanksgiving Recipes, c/o Heidi Knapp Rinella, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125-0070, fax them to her attention at 383-4676 or e-mail them to her at hrinella@reviewjournal.com, with "Thanksgiving Recipes" in the subject line. Recipes must be received by 5 p.m. Oct. 27.