Rod Stewart sexing up Caesars

For the past 45 or so years, Rod Stewart has provided guys with good reasons for wanting to be a rock star.

“I’ve never taken life too seriously,” he told the Las Vegas Review-Journal last year, as if that needed to be said again.

The old rascal’s periodic Las Vegas shows reflect that, whether he’s doing a little soft shoe on “Tonight’s the Night” or kicking soccer balls into the crowd during “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” or “Maggie May.”

But last August, Stewart also reminded fans he occasionally put his gravelly voice to weightier use, with a stripped-down segment that included the soulful “Broken Arrow” and contemplative “The Killing of Georgie.”

He covered all the bases, with the prominent exception of the standards that have fueled his recorded output in recent years. “I don’t know who buys them,” he confessed, “but they don’t seem to show up at the Rod concerts.”

Contact reporter Mike Weatherford at mweatherford@ reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0288.

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