Tim Allen back in Las Vegas on stand-up stage

Who’s to say if Tim Allen will be the “Last Man Standing” on Super Bowl weekend? But he’s in good company on this most guy-oriented of Vegas party times.

In one of his periodic stand-up dates at The Venetian last fall, Allen laid on some “Home Improvement” attitude about bike helmets – “You’re not jumpin’ the fountains at Caesars”- and some “Last Man Standing” manly manness about how “we turned into the little pussy generation” since the halcyon days of M-80s and dangerous Whammo toys.

Allen is going full circle to his club days as a stand-up, but his comedy reminds us that he hit the big time as an actor. The routines employ theatrical characterizations, and there’s no “Where ya from?” banter with the audience.

When he started working Las Vegas again in 2010, Allen talked of how some stand-up dates posed problems by attracting his Disney audience.

“I don’t think kids should come to my show, because it’s not appropriate. But if they’re there, I’m not gonna talk about my balls,” he said.

Vegas? Super Bowl weekend? No worries. He can talk about any kind of balls he wants.

Contact reporter Mike Weatherford at mweatherford@
reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0288.

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