Don’t pass on our NFL bar listing

There’s still time for bar owners to have their establishments included in our annual directory of taverns that cater to fans of specific NFL teams.

This year’s listing will run in the Sept. 2 Living section. That means you have until 4 p.m. Friday to call us with the info we’ll need.

To wit:

* We list only bars that cater rabidly to specific, individual NFL teams. No bars that show other games while the hometown team is playing. No sports books, casinos, bars or rooms inside casinos, or anyplace else where other games are shown while the hometown team plays.

* The bars have to show every single game their teams play, which means they must subscribe to the NFL Sunday Ticket satellite TV package.

* We’ll demand details — including prices — of food and/or drink specials in effect during the hometown team’s games.

* We’ll include info about giveaways — footballs, jerseys, caps, whatever — during the hometown team’s games, but not gaming-related giveaways or promotions.

* Finally, we’ll take information only from a bar’s owner or manager, and only via a telephone conversation. That means no letters, e-mails, press releases, faxes, voice-mail messages, etc.

Call us at 383-0280 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. No calls will be accepted after 4 p.m. Friday.

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