Every season seems to contain some kind of “It” handbag, that piece you want to be seen carrying no matter what the expense. This season, handbags have grown to the point that you can opt for color, texture or style and still end up with the most enviable bags on the street. Consider this your guide to building your handbag portfolio.
Whether it’s royal blue, electric lime, neon carrot, shocking pink or outrageous orange, eye popping colors have shown up on the one accessory you can interchange easily to make a statement. Handbag designers such as Fendi, Miu Miu and Mulberry have dropped the blacks and browns for color this season. Add a jolt to your outfit in a very now way. Try wearing bright colors with the gray palette that is dominating fall fashions.
The clutch has come a long way from being just an evening bag. Now, oversized styles in leather show up by day, while boxy versions bedecked in jewels turn up at night. Designers such as Chloé, Marni and Jimmy Choo have opted for these designs. Go for an understated oversized clutch that you can carry from the office to evening.
Go uptown with chain details in either delicate details or chunky links. Designers such as Marc Jacobs and Dolce & Gabbana like this rock star detail on their handbags. Whether you go subtle or outrageous, chains add a touch of luxury to your look. Pair chain details with a contrasting fabric such as tweed.
Good old patent leather has grown up, taking on more colors than just black. Navy, gray, red and brown all show up in this shiny fabric. Look to designers such as Alexander McQueen or Anya Hindmarch when you want to add a dash of gloss to your wardrobe. You’ll have the perfect amount of polish.
Elongated shoulder straps have made the messenger bag a bit more sophisticated. Marni, Miu Miu and Marc by Marc Jacobs all took this collegiate look and made it work for the sophisticate. Wear this look across your body with a skirt suit.
Metallics have gone from punchy trend that lasts one season to essential in your wardrobe, and handbags are the perfect way to inject some metal into your closet. Designers such as Bottega Veneta and Roberto Cavalli have become fond of the antique golds, silvers, coppers and bronzes that find a home on your shoulder. Look for antiqued finishes to add sophisticated energy to your wardrobe.
Contact Image Editor Susan Stapleton at sstapleton@reviewjournal.com or (702) 387-2909.