Clean air filters good for your health, budget
DEAR READERS: These days, we’re all looking for ways to save money, and an easy way to do that is by changing your home’s air filter. Not only will the air you breathe be cleaner and healthier, but doing this on a regular basis can lower your utility bills.
When was the last time you checked or changed the filter? Having a clean filter should be a priority. If you have a permanent filter, it should be washed once a month. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions — some say you can use a mild soap; others say not to. Replaceable filters should be changed when they start to look dirty. If there is a lot of dust or you have pets that shed, it will probably be more often than monthly. — Heloise
P.S.: Try to check or replace the filters at the same time each month — the first day or first Saturday, for example — so you will keep on track.
Paint-roller storage
DEAR HELOISE: You can use plastic wrap that seals when you press it together to store paint rollers for a short time. I was out of the gallon-size sealable plastic bags that I usually use to keep rollers fresh, so I used plastic wrap instead. I opened it the next day to do my second coat, and the roller was in perfect condition to use again. I also used it to cover the tray so I wouldn’t have to wash it out twice. — Michele, via e-mail
Mental stimulation improves brain health
DEAR HELOISE: The reader who saves word games and puzzles to solve during idle moments is absolutely correct. One of the most important steps one can take to preserve and even improve brain health and wellness is mental stimulation, whether it be solving puzzles, learning a new language or simply taking a different route while driving home.
Equally important are socialization and friends, eating a healthy diet high in vitamins, exercise and spirituality, whether it be in the form of worship or meditation. After all, every time your heart beats, 25 percent of the blood flow goes to your brain. By keeping it active and healthy, you’ll discover that you’re never too old to be young! — Cherie LeBard, Health Promotion Committee, Pennsylvania Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries, via e-mail
Cherie: Thanks for the good hints for staying healthy, happy and interested. Investment in mental and physical activity can really pay off with big dividends later on. — Heloise
Hints from Heloise is syndicated by King Features Syndicate. Send great hints to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; by fax, 210-HELOISE (435-6473); or by e-mail, Heloise@Heloise.com.