Kids can personalize tool box for dad
Just in time for Father’s Day comes a tool box that Dad can truly call his own.
Sears is offering a Craftsman 16-inch Red Doodle Box that youngsters can personalize for their fathers.
The doodle box comes with an assortment of decals, paints and a paint brush.
Like other Craftsman tool boxes, it has a red baked-enamel finish. It also comes with a black tote tray and has a full-length hinge with a drawbolt latch with padlock eye.
It retails for $19.99 and is available at stores and online.
For more information, visit www.sears.com.
Big Daddy comes to golfers’ rescue
Finally find your golf ball in the rough and can’t get out? Why not just pull your Big Daddy Driver out of your bag. Whack away and be on your way.
Built to resemble a typical oversized driver, this is actually a fully functioning grass and weed trimmer.
The idea came about with two friends out on the golf course. One’s ball had found the rough on the majority of the drives. John Buell, president of Big Daddy Golf, joked to his friend, “Man, you need a weed whacker golf club. The light went off in our heads and the idea of Weed Whacker Golf Club was born.”
And it’s a lot of fun. Pull it out on the course with your buddies or take it out at a family gathering in the back yard.
Powered by six AA batteries, its electric motor is powerful enough to cut through the rough. The Big Daddy Driver has a shaft length of 42 inches, head width of 7 inches, weighs a little over a pound and fits in most standard golf bags.
And while it resembles an oversized driver, and is made of durable plastic, it’s not recommended you actually hit the golf ball with it. Weed whack out the golf ball, yes. Drive, no.
The Big Daddy Driver retails for $50. For more information, call 480-284-5956 or visit www.bigdaddydriver.com.