Simple tasks around the house, in garden can reduce water use
The next time you brush your teeth, think about turning off the faucet until you need to rinse. That twist of your wrist saves as much as 3,000 gallons of water a year.
Here are some ways to slow down your water meter — and reduce your water and sewer bills at the same time.
* Make sure it’s full. Running your washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full can save 1,000 gallons of water monthly. Buying a high-efficiency washer saves 10 to 20 gallons of water per load.
* Assign glasses. Reduce the times you have to run your dishwasher by assigning drinking glasses each day to family members. Keep cold water in the fridge so you don’t have to run tap water to get it cool.
Bathroom and beyond
* Change your showerhead. Older showerheads use 5 to 10 gallons of water per minute, while water-saving versions use about 2 gallons.
* Thank the fish. An aquarium contains free, natural fertilizer for your plants. When you clean the tank, use the water on your plants.
* Plan your plants. Group trees, shrubs and perennials according to their water needs. Local garden centers can advise you about plants that tolerate drought better than others.
* Use roof water. Direct downspouts to areas of the yard or plants you want to water. Use rain barrels to catch water and use as needed; place nontoxic Mosquito Dunks in the barrels to kill mosquito larvae.