Thoroughly inspect pool, equipment before swimming
With the onset of warm weather, it’s time for homeowners to think about getting their swimming pools in shape for the season. Opening a swimming pool should be fun, not tedious.
Doing it right can mean the difference between a summer of enjoyment and a summer of headaches. Follow these tips and tricks from the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals to guarantee your water is sparkling ready for an enjoyable season:
* The first thing you must do is remove the cover. If there are leaves or other debris, remove them from the cover and deck.
* Pump any standing water off the cover, making sure not to drain dirty water into the pool.
* Take off the cover, give it a quick clean and store it for the season in a dry place that’s free of debris and protected from the sun and weather.
* Fill pool water up to its normal operating level. Your pool must be filled to the middle of the skimmer opening to properly circulate.
* Remove any freeze plugs, gizmos and other items installed to protect against freezing.
* Make sure all of the equipment is clean and in working order. Hook up pool pumps and filters and reconnect all hoses and electrical connections. Start the circulation system and remove all debris from the pool. Your filter is a very important part of your pool’s maintenance program. You must make sure this is working properly.
* Assess the pool itself. You will want to remove any large items by hand or with a net and any remaining dirt, sand, algae or other small debris should be vacuumed.
* After the pool filter has been running between eight and 12 hours, you must test the water. There are simple test kits for this. Test the pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, etc., thoroughly and then add any necessary chemicals in the proper sequence to balance the water chemistry. Retest the water to see if any adjustments have to be made.
* Make sure to test all fences, locks handrails, ladders and diving boards for wear and damage. Safety should always remain a top priority.
* Dive in to a stress-free summer and enjoy your beautiful pool.