Best Friends Animal Society: Best Friends ambassadors, forum moderators, grant writers, mobile pet adoption assistants, Nevada team leader, news writers, resource associates and wild burro caregivers needed.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nevada, annual picnic, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday: Volunteers needed to help with games, cooking and serving food, and cleanup at Sunset Park.

Family and Child Treatment of Southern Nevada: Volunteer needed to teach art class for children from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays.

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Southern Nevada: Wish ambassadors, consultants, Wish Wizard event crews, office workers and other volunteers needed.

Miracle Flights for Kids, Aviation and Car Show, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday in Jean: Volunteers needed to staff a table, sell calendars and talk about the agency.

Premier Exhibitions: Docents needed to work in galleries to explain science, human anatomy, health and biology.

Valley Hospital Medical Center: Communications specialist, nursing floor volunteer, waiting room volunteer and gift shop volunteer needed.

For more information about these and other volunteer opportunities, contact the Volunteer Center of Southern Nevada at 892-2321 or on the Web at www.volunteercentersn.org.

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