Clark County schools’ delayed reopening approved, Jara says

Clark County School Superintendent Jesus Jara. (Rachel Aston/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @rookie__rae

The Clark County School District has received approval from the Nevada Department of Education for its instructional calendar, which delays the start of the school year for students to Aug. 24.

The primary focus of the town hall hosted by Jara and Clark County School Board President Lola Brooks was the schools reopening plan, which was conditionally approved by the board last week. If approved by the state, it will have to return to the School Board for further discussion, as per a condition added by trustees.

Asked why CCSD was considering a blended learning model when Los Angeles and San Diego Unified announced Monday that they would adopt a full-time distance learning model, Jara said full-time distance education was a possibility in Clark County, too. Those details would be determined by the superintendent and the board in conjunction with health officials’ recommendations, Jara said.

Clarification: This article has been updated to reflect a statement from the Nevada Department of Education after the town hall meeting clarifying that the department does not approve school districts’ reopening plans as had been previously stated in CCSD school board meetings. NDE approves only the conversion of instructional days to professional development days.

Contact Aleksandra Appleton at 702-383-0218 or aappleton@reviewjournal.com. Follow @aleksappleton on Twitter.

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