Henderson to consider changing council meeting time

Henderson City Hall. Bizuayehu Tesfaye Las Vegas Review-Journal @bizutesfaye

The city of Henderson may change the time for its City Council meetings.

An item on Tuesday’s agenda would delete 6 p.m. as the standard meeting time. According to the city, the mayor would have authority to set meetings at various times without having to call them “special meetings.”

The item will be up for discussion at the council’s committee meeting, which starts at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday.

Council members will then have the opportunity to refer the ordinance to the regular meeting, where it would go up for a final vote. The regular council meeting is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

City spokeswoman Kathleen Richards said there is no specific new meeting time set. The city is considering holding meetings earlier in the day during business hours, according to Richards. She said 3:30 p.m. would probably be the typical meeting time, but meetings could be scheduled for other times as needed.

Holding meetings during business hours would help the city save on staff overtime costs, according to Richards.

Henderson resident James Smerek submitted public comment when the ordinance was first introduced last month that said an earlier meeting time would decrease public participation.

“The city of Henderson residents should have more access and transparency to Henderson City Council meetings, and not less,” he wrote.

Richards said officials do not expect a potential change to reduce participation.

In-person attendance at Tuesday’s meeting is not allowed. However, the public may participate virtually.

Contact Blake Apgar at bapgar@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-5298. Follow @blakeapgar on Twitter.

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