Finalists for district attorney post: Christensen, Hunt, Wolfson

Three finalists were chosen Friday from a pool of seven candidates to become the county’s next district attorney.

They are Drew Christensen, county director of appointed counsel; John Hunt, former Clark County Democratic Party chairman; and Steve Wolfson, Las Vegas city councilman and defense lawyer.

County Manager Don Burnette said the screening committee finished interviewing the candidates late Friday evening and made its decision.

The matter will appear on the Jan. 17 County Commission agenda. The finalists will make presentations and respond to questions . Citizens will have an opportunity to provide input.

Commissioner Susan Brager said she would ask the board to reconvene in a special meeting the week of Jan. 23 to make a final decision on the appointment.

“The district attorney is an extremely important position,” Brager said in a statement. “And it’s incumbent upon the County Commission to consider the qualifications of the finalists to ensure that the board selects the candidate best able to promote justice and public safety in the community.”

The commission appointed County Counsel Mary-Anne Miller as interim district attorney Tuesday , when David Roger’s retirement became official. Roger has become general counsel of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association.

The next district attorney will serve the remaining three years of Roger’s term.

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