Fire destroys golf course building in Summerlin

A maintenance building at a Summerlin golf course was destroyed by fire Saturday morning, according to the Las Vegas Fire Department.

Damage is estimated about $500,000, said department spokesman Tim Szymanski.

Fire crews responded just before 10:30 a.m. to the Tournament Players Club wood-frame stucco building at 1750 N. Rampart Blvd., north of Vegas Drive, where maintenance equipment and vehicles were stored, he said.

The maintenance structure was isolated and away from homes, but the burning of gasoline in maintenance vehicles and plastic pipes used for irrigation sent dense, black smoke into the sky, Szymanski said.

Fire crews feared that the heat from the flames would cause a 3,000-gallon fuel tank sitting on the side of the building to explode, so they doused the tank with water before turning hoses on the building. While they were watering down the tank, the roof of the maintenance building collapsed, revealing the tops of the tractors kept inside, Szymanski said.

Firefighters had the bulk of the fire out in about 10 minutes, he said. The last of the fire engines that responded to the blaze were packing up their hoses about 1 p.m.

The cause of the fire and estimated damage will not be available for several hours, as employees at the golf course have to take inventory of all the equipment that burned in the fire. The building itself was a total loss, Szymanski said.

Northbound traffic on Rampart was closed briefly so firetrucks could access the building. The lanes were reopened about 11:20 a.m.

Contact Kimber Laux at klaux@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0381. Find her on Twitter: @lauxkimber.

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