Man going blind goes on ultimate ‘sight visit’

Imagine you are 16 and the doctors tell you that you’re slowly going blind. That you have retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative eye disease that inevitably causes severe vision impairment and that there is nothing they can do about it. What would you do?

For Dan Fingland, now 22, the answer is to see all that he can before it is too late, especially the Grand Canyon. On Wednesday, the nonprofit organization Visual Experience Foundation treated Fingland to a “sight visit” of his dream destination.

The foundation was created by Michael Benson, who himself has battled glaucoma since he was born. His stated mission is to provide visual experiences to those who have been diagnosed with unstoppable vision loss.

With the help of Sundance Helicopters, the two men shared spectacular views of Lake Mead, Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon overlooking the Colorado River.

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