Sunny skies, highs a bit below normal forecast for Las Vegas

Sunny skies with high temperatures around 102 degrees are forecast for Las Vegas on Thursday, J ...

Sunny skies, high temperatures a few degrees below normal and manageable winds are forecast Thursday and for the next several days in the Las Vegas Valley.

A high of 102 is predicted for Thursday with winds gusting to 20 to 25 mph, according to the latest National Weather Service forecast. The normal high is 105.

While northwest Arizona is receiving occasional moisture, the valley will remain dry for at least the next week.

“Our best chances for some moisture are middle to late next week,” weather service meteorologist Kate Guillet said. “But some of the higher elevations to the north and east of the valley could have an occasional storm pop up this weekend.”

Friday and weekend conditions will stay the same with high temperatures around 102 and sunny skies.

Contact Marvin Clemons at mclemons@reviewjournal.com. Follow @Marv_in_Vegas on Twitter.

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