Jan. 15 Boys Basketball Box Scores
Agassi Prep 72, Mountain View 66
AGASSI PREP: Brown 26, Amos 15, Whiteside 6, Sims 18, Watson 5, Williams 2. Totals 28 11-18 72.
MOUNTAIN VIEW: Van Kempen 15, Capozzoli 4, LeBoeuf 14, Benjamin 3, Engel 2, Anderson 28. Totals 24 13-19 66.
Agassi Prep 23 14 19 16 –72
Mountain View 9 13 22 22 –66
MOUNTAIN VIEW: Van Kempen 15, Capozzoli 4, LeBoeuf 14, Benjamin 3, Engel 2, Anderson 28. Totals 24 13-19 66.
Agassi Prep 23 14 19 16 –72
Mountain View 9 13 22 22 –66
Arbor View 63, Faith Lutheran 61
FAITH LUTHERAN: Done 21, DeSousa 3, Hicks 3, Norman 15, Hammer 5, Portaro 4, Smalls 10. Totals 25 6-17 61.
ARBOR VIEW: Bright 12, Vignaud 8, Banks 25, Grier 11, Heath 7. Totals 20 21-37 63.
Faith Lutheran 13 14 13 21 –61
Arbor View 16 16 18 13 –63
ARBOR VIEW: Bright 12, Vignaud 8, Banks 25, Grier 11, Heath 7. Totals 20 21-37 63.
Faith Lutheran 13 14 13 21 –61
Arbor View 16 16 18 13 –63
Beatty 79, Lund 20
LUND: Hair 14, Harris 2, Gubler 2, Carter 2. Totals 7 3-10 20.
BEATTY: Mendoza 4, Garcia 2, Gaitan 7, Flores 4, Maldonado 7, Dare 3, R. Hernandez 13, Turner 10, Regalado 18, I. Hernandez 4, Moreno 7. Totals 36 1-13 79.
Lund 4 6 2 8 –20
Beatty 17 13 31 18 –79
BEATTY: Mendoza 4, Garcia 2, Gaitan 7, Flores 4, Maldonado 7, Dare 3, R. Hernandez 13, Turner 10, Regalado 18, I. Hernandez 4, Moreno 7. Totals 36 1-13 79.
Lund 4 6 2 8 –20
Beatty 17 13 31 18 –79
Bishop Gorman 93, Clark 64
GORMAN: Brown 4, Allen 12, Parks 16, Allazetta 5, T. Carter 7, Muhammad 20, Stanley 7, Spencer 14, Loyd 4, B. Carter 4. Totals 32 21-33 93.
CLARK: Williams 2, Dancy 25, Baugus 1, Pittman 1, Rangel 7, Garry 8, McGriff 6, Allen 3, Guey 5, Henderson 6. Totals 25 10-18 64.
Gorman 26 25 18 24 –93
Clark 17 12 13 22 –64
CLARK: Williams 2, Dancy 25, Baugus 1, Pittman 1, Rangel 7, Garry 8, McGriff 6, Allen 3, Guey 5, Henderson 6. Totals 25 10-18 64.
Gorman 26 25 18 24 –93
Clark 17 12 13 22 –64
Boulder City 52, Moapa Valley 49
BOULDER CITY: Dimpel 22, Washburn 1, Bird 1, Bowen 8, Hafen 6, Swasey 12, Goodfellow 2. Totals 16 18-32 52.
MOAPA VALLEY: Lewis 11, Frehner 9, Thompson 7, Cooper 10, Geary 2, Shurtliff 8, Weiss 2. Totals 12 22-38 49.
Boulder City 9 8 14 12 9 –52
Moapa Valley 7 21 4 11 6 –49
MOAPA VALLEY: Lewis 11, Frehner 9, Thompson 7, Cooper 10, Geary 2, Shurtliff 8, Weiss 2. Totals 12 22-38 49.
Boulder City 9 8 14 12 9 –52
Moapa Valley 7 21 4 11 6 –49
Cheyenne 63, Centennial 49
CHEYENNE: Harper 2, McCall 12, Johnson 12, Bermudez 6, Banks 14, Leu 2, Organ 6, Henry 9. Totals 25 10-18 63.
CENTENNIAL: Nelson 3, Dixon 12, B. Vozzola 8, Henderson 2, Lee 2, Cole 3, R. Vozzola 13, Layton 2, Martin 4. Totals 18 6-16 49.
Cheyenne 12 20 20 11 –63
Centennial 11 10 21 7 –49
CENTENNIAL: Nelson 3, Dixon 12, B. Vozzola 8, Henderson 2, Lee 2, Cole 3, R. Vozzola 13, Layton 2, Martin 4. Totals 18 6-16 49.
Cheyenne 12 20 20 11 –63
Centennial 11 10 21 7 –49
Desert Oasis 96, Pahrump Valley 39
DESERT OASIS: Cruz 16, Mich’l 15, Lianzo 13, Bobenhausen 12, Jefferson 11, Alemu 10, Jones 7, Lewis-Bridges 7, Adkins 5. Totals 39 9-20 96.
PAHRUMP: Individual scoring unavailable. Totals 12 13-22 39.
Desert Oasis 25 27 33 11 –96
Pahrump 5 13 17 4 –39
PAHRUMP: Individual scoring unavailable. Totals 12 13-22 39.
Desert Oasis 25 27 33 11 –96
Pahrump 5 13 17 4 –39
Durango 66, Bonanza 57
DURANGO: Wells 3, De. Williams 8, Do. Williams 15, Gentry 19, Colovic 8, Jones 13. Totals 22 18-30 66.
BONANZA: Shea 11, Daniels 2, Howard 8, Tucker 4, Gentile 6, Martin 24, Romero 2. Totals 23 7-14 57.
Durango 14 22 9 21 –66
Bonanza 17 9 15 16 –57
BONANZA: Shea 11, Daniels 2, Howard 8, Tucker 4, Gentile 6, Martin 24, Romero 2. Totals 23 7-14 57.
Durango 14 22 9 21 –66
Bonanza 17 9 15 16 –57
Lake Mead 60, Round Mountain 12
ROUND MOUNTAIN: Sweeny 5, Mareno 1, Manly 4, Winters 2. Totals 5 2-6 12.
LAKE MEAD: Hehn 2, Littlefied 21, Yamzon 10, Cockrell 2, Kowis 4, Scott 2, Erickson 9, Thompson 10. Totals 23 2-3 60.
Round Mountain 0 7 5 0 –12
Lake Mead 27 8 16 9 –60
LAKE MEAD: Hehn 2, Littlefied 21, Yamzon 10, Cockrell 2, Kowis 4, Scott 2, Erickson 9, Thompson 10. Totals 23 2-3 60.
Round Mountain 0 7 5 0 –12
Lake Mead 27 8 16 9 –60
Las Vegas 81, Liberty 55
LIBERTY: Lauguico 4, Earnest 8, Shelton 6, Rambo 15, Victorson 4, Durski 2, Ross 12, Murray-Bentson 2, Filimona 2. Totals 24 4-11 55.
LAS VEGAS: Wess 2, Gaston 3, Chauncey 18, Anderson 24, Langston 8, Henderson 12, Fuller 1, Jones 3, Butler 10. Totals 31 9-14 81.
Liberty 5 6 19 25 –55
Las Vegas 20 24 21 16 –81
LAS VEGAS: Wess 2, Gaston 3, Chauncey 18, Anderson 24, Langston 8, Henderson 12, Fuller 1, Jones 3, Butler 10. Totals 31 9-14 81.
Liberty 5 6 19 25 –55
Las Vegas 20 24 21 16 –81
Lincoln County 80, Calvary Chapel 35
LINCOLN COUNTY: Wheatley 7, Samson 2, Condie 4, Wadsworth 8, Katschke 2, Robinson 1, Avery 2, Walker 32, Rippetoe 22. Totals 33 8-15 80.
CALVARY CHAPEL: Cox 3, Morris 13, Peterson 2, Moore 15, Tanaka-Sanders 2. Totals 13 9-15 35.
Lincoln County 21 14 27 18 –80
Calvary Chapel 10 6 12 7 –35
CALVARY CHAPEL: Cox 3, Morris 13, Peterson 2, Moore 15, Tanaka-Sanders 2. Totals 13 9-15 35.
Lincoln County 21 14 27 18 –80
Calvary Chapel 10 6 12 7 –35
Mojave 64, Shadow Ridge 54
SHADOW RIDGE: Harden 5, Tinner 1, Youngblood 13, Hafen 10, Brown 9, Jimenez 3, Pearson 2, Everage 8, Duckworth 3. Totals 11 14-28 54.
MOJAVE: Jackson 21, Kline 2, Harper 11, White 6, Maxey Jr. 4, Strickland 8, Boyd 3, Robbs 9. Totals 19 22-32 64.
Shadow Ridge 11 15 6 22 –54
Mojave 9 14 15 26 –64
MOJAVE: Jackson 21, Kline 2, Harper 11, White 6, Maxey Jr. 4, Strickland 8, Boyd 3, Robbs 9. Totals 19 22-32 64.
Shadow Ridge 11 15 6 22 –54
Mojave 9 14 15 26 –64
Palo Verde 78, Legacy 58
LEGACY: Laine 15, Burton 1, Haywood 7, McDaniel 10, Johnson 11, Hall 12, Hughes 2. Totals 20 14-26 58.
PALO VERDE: Pearson 10, Matlock 2, Morgan 22, Abad 3, Grimes 1, Topham 16, Randazzo 2, Hipwell 6, Maxwell 2, Mims 8, Steffen 2, Marshall 4. Totals 34 4-10 78.
Legacy 12 18 15 13 –58
Palo Verde 18 22 22 16 –78
PALO VERDE: Pearson 10, Matlock 2, Morgan 22, Abad 3, Grimes 1, Topham 16, Randazzo 2, Hipwell 6, Maxwell 2, Mims 8, Steffen 2, Marshall 4. Totals 34 4-10 78.
Legacy 12 18 15 13 –58
Palo Verde 18 22 22 16 –78
Spring Mountain 66, Sandy Valley 23
SPRING MOUNTAIN: Hampton 14, Williams 4, Saunders 14, Lucious 4, Marabel 4, Dunson 4, Johnson 8, Thompson 4, Thomas 4, Batton 4, McQuinde 2.
SANDY VALLEY: P. Hartung 8, Galeana 3, Hagan 8, Soto 3. Totals 6 7-18 22.
Spring Mountain 24 16 16 10 –66
Sandy Valley 3 6 3 11 –23
SANDY VALLEY: P. Hartung 8, Galeana 3, Hagan 8, Soto 3. Totals 6 7-18 22.
Spring Mountain 24 16 16 10 –66
Sandy Valley 3 6 3 11 –23
The Meadows 65, White Pine 41
THE MEADOWS: Newman 12, Roth 3, Gosse 23, Brown 13, Jimmerson 1, Mayes 5, Lee 8. Totals 26 6-11 65.
WHITE PINE: Holloway 2, Valdez 4, Rowley 5, Watts 4, Johnson 22, Henze 4. Totals 17 6-10 41.
The Meadows 8 23 17 17 –65
White Pine 9 11 7 14 –41
WHITE PINE: Holloway 2, Valdez 4, Rowley 5, Watts 4, Johnson 22, Henze 4. Totals 17 6-10 41.
The Meadows 8 23 17 17 –65
White Pine 9 11 7 14 –41
Tonopah 37, Henderson International 20
TONOPAH: Thackery 14, Ferguson 2, Otteson 2, McGaw 9, D. Arias 4, Morgando 2, Reynoso 4. Totals 14 8-10 37.
HENDERSON INT’L: Pachas 2, Christie 3, J. Sutorius 5, Sherrill 3, Rivera 2, Gladd-Brown 5. Totals 8 3-18 20.
Tonopah 14 9 4 10 –37
Henderson Int’l 5 6 5 4 –20
HENDERSON INT’L: Pachas 2, Christie 3, J. Sutorius 5, Sherrill 3, Rivera 2, Gladd-Brown 5. Totals 8 3-18 20.
Tonopah 14 9 4 10 –37
Henderson Int’l 5 6 5 4 –20
Virgin Valley 58, Basic 43
VIRGIN VALLEY: Horlacher 11, B. Cloes 3, Wittwer 11, Jensen 13, A. Cloes 18, Sasaki 2. Totals 19 15-20 58.
BASIC: Jones 4, Polin 7, Dobbins 13, Carducci 14, Bayes 2, Armistead 3. Totals 15 7-8 43.
Virgin Valley 10 9 17 22 –58
Basic 11 9 17 6 –43
BASIC: Jones 4, Polin 7, Dobbins 13, Carducci 14, Bayes 2, Armistead 3. Totals 15 7-8 43.
Virgin Valley 10 9 17 22 –58
Basic 11 9 17 6 –43
Western 79, Spring Valley 77
SPRING VALLEY: Johnson 4, Whitley 21, Moore 15, Stallworth 10, Clement 11, Myles 4, Nolan 9, Payton 3. Totals 28-59 16-20 77.
WESTERN: Keny. Washington 11, J. Gerideau 6, Buckley 12, S. Washington 18, Kent. Washington 25, Miller 3, C. Gerideau 4. Totals 30-57 12-15 79.
Spring Valley 11 36 20 10 –77
Western 22 26 15 16 –79
WESTERN: Keny. Washington 11, J. Gerideau 6, Buckley 12, S. Washington 18, Kent. Washington 25, Miller 3, C. Gerideau 4. Totals 30-57 12-15 79.
Spring Valley 11 36 20 10 –77
Western 22 26 15 16 –79