Dec. 2 Girls Basketball Box Scores
Basic 37, Boulder City 34
BOULDER CITY: Adams 2, McKeever 9, Prach 5, Bird 6, Walker 2, Barlow 6, Combs 4. Totals 15 4-16 34.
BASIC: Gunther 7, Brantner 11, Wilke 6, Silva 5, Valentine 8. Totals 14 8-21 37.
Boulder City 7 9 10 8 –34
Basic 13 13 3 8 –37
BASIC: Gunther 7, Brantner 11, Wilke 6, Silva 5, Valentine 8. Totals 14 8-21 37.
Boulder City 7 9 10 8 –34
Basic 13 13 3 8 –37
Coronado 57, Chaparral 36
CHAPARRAL: Gray 8, Ferguson 17, Martinez 2, Savoy 4, Vasquez 3, Covarrubias 2. Totals 17 2-8 36.
CORONADO: Trost 12, Ruffino 12, Cruz 24, Herlosky 2, Decker 1, Smith 2, Monaco 2, Heroy 2. Totals 24 9-15 57.
Chaparral 6 9 12 9 –36
Coronado 12 13 16 16 –57
CORONADO: Trost 12, Ruffino 12, Cruz 24, Herlosky 2, Decker 1, Smith 2, Monaco 2, Heroy 2. Totals 24 9-15 57.
Chaparral 6 9 12 9 –36
Coronado 12 13 16 16 –57
Foothill 60, Canyon Springs 48
CANYON SPRINGS: Beynon 22, Wright 14, Broadus 3, Paulo 2, McNeal 2, Williams 1, Johnson 2, Harper 1, Chitwood 1. Totals 16 12-32 48.
FOOTHILL: C. Harless 19, Higgins 11, Bre. Frazer 8, Cox 6, Nash 5, Sandusky 4, Gruettner 3, J. Harless 2, Rodisha 2. Totals 22 12-17 60.
Canyon Springs 10 7 7 24 –48
Foothill 16 19 10 15 –60
FOOTHILL: C. Harless 19, Higgins 11, Bre. Frazer 8, Cox 6, Nash 5, Sandusky 4, Gruettner 3, J. Harless 2, Rodisha 2. Totals 22 12-17 60.
Canyon Springs 10 7 7 24 –48
Foothill 16 19 10 15 –60
Lake Mead 45, The Meadows 20
THE MEADOWS: Lopez 6, Abdelaziz 2, Mayes 3, Close 2, Bronstin 7. Totals 9 2-10 20.
LAKE MEAD: Badua-Kono 20, Gonzales 2, Zumaran 2, Clarke 21. Totals 17 3-6 45.
Halftime—Lake Mead 21-6
LAKE MEAD: Badua-Kono 20, Gonzales 2, Zumaran 2, Clarke 21. Totals 17 3-6 45.
Halftime—Lake Mead 21-6
Lake Mead 42, Lutheran (Calif.) 28
LUTHERAN: Garcia 3, Wenlad 2, Hughes 7, Tripp 14, Lohman 2. Totals 10 8-15 28.
LAKE MEAD: Badua-Kono 11, Watkins 6, Zumaran 6, Clarke 19. Totals 15 9-11 42.
Halftime—Lutheran 22-18
LAKE MEAD: Badua-Kono 11, Watkins 6, Zumaran 6, Clarke 19. Totals 15 9-11 42.
Halftime—Lutheran 22-18
Liberty 83, Desert Pines 14
DESERT PINES: Baltazar 2, Boyles 1, Avalos 1, Alexander 1, Myles 5, White 3, Williams 1. Totals 4 6-19 14.
LIBERTY: Washington 15, Whitehead 6, Evans 8, Nacua 6, Delagdo 22, Tai 3, O’Bannon 8, Chai 4, Cochran 4. Totals 32 13-19 83.
Desert Pines 6 6 2 0 –14
Liberty 27 21 23 12 –83
LIBERTY: Washington 15, Whitehead 6, Evans 8, Nacua 6, Delagdo 22, Tai 3, O’Bannon 8, Chai 4, Cochran 4. Totals 32 13-19 83.
Desert Pines 6 6 2 0 –14
Liberty 27 21 23 12 –83
Silverado 69, Las Vegas 64
LAS VEGAS: Luckie 11, Harris 16, Mayes 4, Ventling 17, Salas 1, Lee 9, Butler 2, Jackson 4. Totals 18 10-22 64.
SILVERADO: Garcia 2, Loguidice 11, Bond 6, Monroe 16, Hodas 1, Meyers 14, Wilson 1, Wright 18. Totals 22 15-27 69.
Las Vegas 12 17 13 22 –64
Silverado 15 20 15 19 –69
SILVERADO: Garcia 2, Loguidice 11, Bond 6, Monroe 16, Hodas 1, Meyers 14, Wilson 1, Wright 18. Totals 22 15-27 69.
Las Vegas 12 17 13 22 –64
Silverado 15 20 15 19 –69
Tech 51, Moapa Valley 44
MOAPA VALLEY: Noto 6, Harding 10, Gifford 3, Sprague 1, Lacroix 10, P.Leavitt 2, H. Leavitt 4, Campbell 6, Denman-Gray 2. Totals 16 10-24 44.
TECH: Phillips 26, Guzman 4, Wilson 9, Bobaeilla 1, Heredia 11. Totals 19 10-28 51.
Tech 15 17 10 9 –51
Moapa Valley 13 8 16 7 –44
TECH: Phillips 26, Guzman 4, Wilson 9, Bobaeilla 1, Heredia 11. Totals 19 10-28 51.
Tech 15 17 10 9 –51
Moapa Valley 13 8 16 7 –44
Virgin Valley 55, Rancho 29
RANCHO: Torres 2, Wilmot 9, Gordon 2, Johnson 2, Grey 9, Wilson 1, Coleman 4. Totals 11 7-25 29.
VIRGIN VALLEY: Arquette 5, Barnard 4, Bonner 2, Cheney 4, Bowler 8, Crandall 4, Morris 15, Weythman 13. Totals 22 11-22 55.
Rancho 8 9 5 7 –29
Virgin Valley 19 14 6 16 –55
VIRGIN VALLEY: Arquette 5, Barnard 4, Bonner 2, Cheney 4, Bowler 8, Crandall 4, Morris 15, Weythman 13. Totals 22 11-22 55.
Rancho 8 9 5 7 –29
Virgin Valley 19 14 6 16 –55