Dec. 7 Girls Basketball Box Scores
Boulder City 51, Del Sol 24
BOULDER CITY: Koopman 13, Adams 4, Williams 3, McKeever 6, Prach 4, Bird 4, McQuillan 4, Walker 2, Barlow 6, Combs 5. Totals 18 14-29 51.
DEL SOL: Orozco 3, Fischer 1, McDonald 2, Cabanas 2, Chischillie 8, DeSantiago 6, Wakins 2. Totals 7 10-24 24.
Boulder City 10 13 13 15 –51
Del Sol 1 7 10 6 –24
DEL SOL: Orozco 3, Fischer 1, McDonald 2, Cabanas 2, Chischillie 8, DeSantiago 6, Wakins 2. Totals 7 10-24 24.
Boulder City 10 13 13 15 –51
Del Sol 1 7 10 6 –24
Centennial 81, Chaparral 8
CHAPARRAL: Ferguson 4, Martinez 1, Savoy 1, Pachobe 2. Totals 2 4-8 8.
CENTENNIAL: Hayes 14, Klemz 18, J. Brown 5, Washington 2, P. Barber 2, S. Brown 13, S. Barber 7, Williams 8, Kie 12. Totals 33 13-18 81.
Chaparral 0 5 0 3 –8
Centennial 27 33 11 10 –81
CENTENNIAL: Hayes 14, Klemz 18, J. Brown 5, Washington 2, P. Barber 2, S. Brown 13, S. Barber 7, Williams 8, Kie 12. Totals 33 13-18 81.
Chaparral 0 5 0 3 –8
Centennial 27 33 11 10 –81
Foothill 69, Desert Pines 29
FOOTHILL: C. Harless 18, Cox 10, Higgins 7, J. Harless 10, Sandusky 8, Potter 5, Bri. Frazer 3, Nash 2, Espejo 2, Bre. Frazer 4. Totals 28 9-18 69.
DESERT PINES: Boyles 8, Avalos 7, Alexander 4, Myles 4, White 6. Totals 13 3-20 29.
Foothill 18 15 19 17 –69
Desert Pines 4 7 2 16 –29
DESERT PINES: Boyles 8, Avalos 7, Alexander 4, Myles 4, White 6. Totals 13 3-20 29.
Foothill 18 15 19 17 –69
Desert Pines 4 7 2 16 –29
Green Valley 72, Las Vegas 56
GREEN VALLEY: Butler 18, Manwarren 8, Stevens 6, Becker 2, Wilson 2, Rasmussen 4, Mack 27, Harland 5.
LAS VEGAS: Luckie 8, Harris 19, Mayes 6, Ventling 7, Wright 2, Bernard 10, Butler 1, Jackson 3.
Green Valley 29 10 16 17 –72
Las Vegas 14 14 13 15 –56
LAS VEGAS: Luckie 8, Harris 19, Mayes 6, Ventling 7, Wright 2, Bernard 10, Butler 1, Jackson 3.
Green Valley 29 10 16 17 –72
Las Vegas 14 14 13 15 –56
Indian Springs 32, The Meadows 25
INDIAN SPRINGS: Lopez 2, Lounsbury 10, Thormahlen 10, Beryl, Melgoza 7. Totals 15 1-10 32.
THE MEADOWS: Daulat 4, Lopez 6, Barber 2, Gipson, Peterson 1, Mayes 6, Bornstein 5. Totals 11 3-8 25.
Indian Springs 8 17 2 5 –32
The Meadows 4 7 6 8 –25
THE MEADOWS: Daulat 4, Lopez 6, Barber 2, Gipson, Peterson 1, Mayes 6, Bornstein 5. Totals 11 3-8 25.
Indian Springs 8 17 2 5 –32
The Meadows 4 7 6 8 –25
Lake Mead 52, Laughlin 29
LAKE MEAD: Watkins 4, Badua-Kono 10, Zumaran 11, Clarke 22, Hillenbrand 5. Totals 17 15-25 52.
LAUGHLIN: Lee 5, Duraco 6, Valdez 3, Manning 2, Mackey 6, Van 5, Skillingstad 2. Totals 13 2-4 29.
Lake Mead 10 13 14 15 –52
Laughlin 5 7 11 6 –29
LAUGHLIN: Lee 5, Duraco 6, Valdez 3, Manning 2, Mackey 6, Van 5, Skillingstad 2. Totals 13 2-4 29.
Lake Mead 10 13 14 15 –52
Laughlin 5 7 11 6 –29
Liberty 66, Canyon Springs 58
LIBERTY: Washington 15, Whitehead 9, Nacua 6, Delgado 16, Tai 1, Evans 13, Chai 2, Cochran 4. Totals 24 14-33 66.
CANYON SPRINGS: Beynon 9, Chitwood 4, Harper 11, Johnson 2, Paulo 10, Wright 18, Broadus 4. Totals 18 22-36 58.
Liberty 19 14 22 11 –66
Canyon Springs 13 18 10 17 –58
CANYON SPRINGS: Beynon 9, Chitwood 4, Harper 11, Johnson 2, Paulo 10, Wright 18, Broadus 4. Totals 18 22-36 58.
Liberty 19 14 22 11 –66
Canyon Springs 13 18 10 17 –58
Mountain View 43, Pahranagat Valley 33
PAHRANAGAT: Mortenson 4, Hosier 5, Sanders 1, H. Lewis 14, K. Lewis 2, Day 7. Totals 11 10-21 33.
MOUNTAIN VIEW: Marshall 19, Maruffo 17, Ar. Holliday 4, Am. Holliday 3. Totals 14 12-17 43.
Pahranagat 5 16 7 5 –33
Mountain View 6 9 13 15 –43
MOUNTAIN VIEW: Marshall 19, Maruffo 17, Ar. Holliday 4, Am. Holliday 3. Totals 14 12-17 43.
Pahranagat 5 16 7 5 –33
Mountain View 6 9 13 15 –43
Needles 51, Parker (Ariz.) 19
NEEDLES: Laswell 4, Chavira 36, Chandler 8, Calderon 1, Limon 2. Totals 20 4-12 51.
PARKER: Levie 6, Fisher 2, Harper 1, Laffoon 10. Totals 6 5-6 19.
Needles 18 6 11 16 –51
Parker 0 13 3 3 –19
PARKER: Levie 6, Fisher 2, Harper 1, Laffoon 10. Totals 6 5-6 19.
Needles 18 6 11 16 –51
Parker 0 13 3 3 –19
Silverado 61, Moapa Valley 43
SILVERADO: Garcia 4, Loguidice 9, Bond 5, Monroe 12, Hodas 2, Myers 18, Wilson 1, D’Arpa 2, Wright 8. Totals 25 9-23 61.
MOAPA VALLEY: Noto 11, H. Leavitt 4, LaCroix 9, P. Leavitt 2, Gifford 4, Shakespeare 3, Campbell 7, Sprague 3. Totals 15 12-28 43.
Silverado 14 9 22 16 –61
Moapa Valley 6 10 13 14 –43
MOAPA VALLEY: Noto 11, H. Leavitt 4, LaCroix 9, P. Leavitt 2, Gifford 4, Shakespeare 3, Campbell 7, Sprague 3. Totals 15 12-28 43.
Silverado 14 9 22 16 –61
Moapa Valley 6 10 13 14 –43
Valley 51, Coronado 46
CORONADO: Trost 7, Harrison 3, Ruffino 9, Cruz 15, Decker 6, Smith 2, Monaco 4. Totals 15 15-31 46.
VALLEY: A. Johnson 2, Wharton 1, Davis 12, Wilson 4, B. Johnson 12, Porter 14, Walton 4, Mayahzedeh 2. Totals 17 17-22 51.
Coronado 11 13 13 9 –46
Valley 6 21 11 13 –51
VALLEY: A. Johnson 2, Wharton 1, Davis 12, Wilson 4, B. Johnson 12, Porter 14, Walton 4, Mayahzedeh 2. Totals 17 17-22 51.
Coronado 11 13 13 9 –46
Valley 6 21 11 13 –51
Virgin Valley 54, Tech 44
TECH: Tatsanaram 1, Phillips 28, Guzman 5, Wilson 8, Sanchez 2. Totals 16 8-16 44.
VIRGIN VALLEY: Arquette 5, Biasi 2, Barnard 1, Bonner 4, Bowler 8, Morris 13, Weythman 21. Totals 24 6-15 54.
Tech 10 15 2 17 –44
Virgin Valley 11 16 13 14 –54
VIRGIN VALLEY: Arquette 5, Biasi 2, Barnard 1, Bonner 4, Bowler 8, Morris 13, Weythman 21. Totals 24 6-15 54.
Tech 10 15 2 17 –44
Virgin Valley 11 16 13 14 –54