4 students killed in Seattle bus crash were from 4 countries

The four college students killed in a crash between their charter bus and an amphibious tour bus on a Seattle bridge were from Austria, China, Indonesia and Japan, their school said on Friday.

“Out of respect for the families of these students, the college cannot release their names at this time,” North Seattle College said in a statement, adding it has worked with government officials to assist in contacting the next of kin.

About 90 firefighters and medics responded to the scene of Thursday afternoon’s collision on the busy Aurora Bridge, and 51 people were treated at local hospitals. Fifteen of those remained in critical condition overnight.

The head-on crash left the charter bus caved in with glass and debris on the ground, and the Ride the Ducks amphibious bus also crumpled and missing a front wheel.

About 45 students and employees from North Seattle College’s international programs were on the bus.

Investigators are reviewing witness reports of a possible mechanical issue on the duck vehicle, police said on Thursday.

Traffic safety on the bridge, which has no median barrier, has been a concern of state and local officials. The National Transportation Safety Board has said it will investigate the crash.

The accident comes nearly five months after an amphibious sightseeing vehicle hit and killed a woman on a Philadelphia street. In 2010, two tourists were killed when a tugboat pushed a barge into a similar vehicle, also in Philadelphia.

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