Batman, Capt. America save cat from burning house

MILTON, W.Va. — Who says superheroes aren’t real?

When a West Virginia home caught fire, trapping a kitten inside, it was Batman and Captain America who came to the rescue.

John Buckland, dressed as Batman, and Troy Marcum, dressed as Captain America, saw smoke at a house nearby when they were entertaining children as part of their business. They ran to the house along with another bystander, kicked in the door and broke out a window so some smoke could escape.

Buckland, a former firefighter, says he crawled into the front room and felt something furry. He grabbed the animal, ran outside and gave it mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

No one was hurt in the fire, including the rescuers — though Buckland says the cat hissed and swatted at him when it regained consciousness.

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