Brazilian news media say gunmen kill 11 in bar

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RIO DE JANEIRO — A gang of gunmen roared up to a bar in Belem city in Brazil’s northern Pará state and opened fire, killing six women and five men, media reports said. State officials would confirm only that “a massacre” occurred but gave no details.

The G1 news website said police reported that seven gunmen were involved in the attack, which also wounded one person. The news outlet said the attackers arrived at the bar on one motorcycle and in three cars.

In late March, the federal government sent National Guard troops to Belém to reinforce security in the city for 90 days.

A Pará state spokeswoman, Natalia Mello, said only: “A massacre is confirmed.” State communications officials stopped answering phone calls. Military and civil police in Pará state also did not answer phone calls or respond to emails.

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