Obama’s pushing for more gun laws after deadly Oregon shooting

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama once again called for more gun laws on Friday, pleading for increased regulation after a deadly mass shooting on an Oregon college campus.

“I’m going to talk about this on a regular basis. And I will politicize it,” Obama said during a White House press conference. “Unless we change that political dynamic, we’re not going to be able to make a big dent in this problem.”

Obama called on gun-control advocates to act as “single-issue voters,” punishing and rewarding politicians at the polls on the topic.

“The people who are troubled by this have to be as intense and organized and adamant about this issue as folks on the other side who are absolutists, who think that any gun safety measures are an assault on freedom, or communistic, or a plot by me to take over and stay in power forever, or something,” he said.

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