Welcome to Vegas-wood

This week readers want to know who had the bright idea to allow traffic to be disrupted on Koval Lane between Flamingo Road and Harmon Avenue, why the Spaghetti Bowl doesn’t have any fancy art work, and why we call it the Spaghetti Bowl.
John Blink asks: What’s going on with the big rigs on Koval, between Flamingo and Harmon? On the Harrah’s land there appears to be a “marshalling” yard for big rigs. Beginning on Oct. 12 the activity has been bonkers with Las Vegas police stopping traffic on Koval to let trucks in and out of the lot. My question is twofold: Firstly, who is paying the police? Secondly, why in the world would anyone in government allow this gross misuse of streets? Koval is the main reliever for the Strip. Employees, deliveries, everything needed to keep the casinos running uses Koval. This has to stop.
Welcome to Vegas-wood, John. All that work going on is due to the filming of the romantic comedy “What Happens in Vegas,” starring Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. Shooting will continue around the Strip in the coming weeks.
To answer your other questions, film companies pay for the police presence. And as far as what the government is thinking, I’ll let that question stand on its own.
Why would anyone want to shoot a movie on Koval, anyway? I guess they wanted to show the other side of Las Vegas Boulevard. Get it?
John Champeau asks: Why does the Las Vegas Beltway and U.S. Highway 95 have sound walls that are painted and decorated, but the Spaghetti Bowl doesn’t?
John, does the graffiti count?
I printed your question because normally I hear complaints about how the painting and decorations are a waste of taxpayer money, and it’s good to know there are people on the other side of this issue.
Bob McKenzie, spokesman for the Nevada Department of Transportation, said their projects dedicate about three percent of funding to beautification efforts.
Crews have added artwork and landscaping, including those giant desert tortoise sculptures, to the interchange in recent years. But those aren’t visible from Interstate 15.
Not to worry, when the plans to rebuild the Spaghetti Bowl are completed, beautification will be a part of it, McKenzie assured.
To compliment the spaghetti, you should expect some grated parmigiano-reggiano cheese and a garnish of basil leaves to add color.
Meanwhile, Ron D’Alessio says: Enough is enough with traffic advisors on radio and TV using “Spaghetti Bowl” in their reports. Ron believes it would help new valley residents and tourists alike who are trying to navigate our highways and byways, to refer to it as the Interstate 15 and U.S. 95 interchange.
“Could you imagine traveling through Boise, Idaho, and you hear on the radio there is a major accident on the ‘Potato Bowl’ and to avoid the area,” Ron writes. “You check your map then you check your GPS, if you have it, and nowhere can you find the ‘Potato Bowl,’ then low and behold you’re in a traffic jam that could have been avoided.”
I agree Ron. I’m through with “Spaghetti Bowl,” but for different reasons. You see spaghetti is the wrong pasta to use, because while it is long and bends and curves, it is circular. I think the flat pastas, such as fettucine or lasagna are far more appropriate.
All this pasta talk is making me hungry.
Hit ‘n’ Run: My advice for those going to Southern California in the coming days: don’t. You may have heard, there’s a little fire that’s been causing some evacuations and road closures.
But if you must, make sure to visit www.caltrans8.info or call (909) 388-7087 or (866) 383-4631 to learn about road closures.
A memorial ride for motorcycle safety and awareness will be held Sunday in honor of Dan “Double D” Jarosz.
Dan was a motorcycle safety instructor in the valley for 15 years and was recently killed in a wreck. Registration begins at noon with a briefing at 1:45 p.m. at Las Vegas Harley-Davidson at 2605 Eastern Avenue. The ride will begin at 2 p.m. and be about 30 to 35 miles in length.
Call Las Vegas Harley-Davidson at (702) 431-8500 for more information.
Contact reporter Francis McCabe at fmccabe@reviewjournal.com or (702) 387-2904.