Nevada gun bill makes it illegal for domestic violence convicts to own guns

CARSON CITY — A Senate committee on Friday unanimously approved a bill that would expand legal protections for justifiable homicides involving occupied vehicles, as well as make it illegal for anyone convicted of domestic violence, even a misdemeanor offense, to own a gun.

Senate Bill 175, sponsored by Majority Leader Michael Roberson, R-Henderson, was amended to clarify the justifiable homicide provisions relating to incidents such as carjackings.

The amendments were made in response to concerns that the measure was not clear about when it would be acceptable to defend a vehicle against an aggressor.

It also deleted a provision implementing universal reciprocity for states that issue concealed weapons permits and would allow reciprocity only in states that require training to obtain a permit.

The Department of Public Safety will develop the list each year, as it does now.

Other provisions, including a repeal of Clark County’s handgun registration requirement, remain in the bill. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo supports the repeal.

The Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously supported the amended version of the bill.

Senate Minority Leader Aaron Ford, D-Las Vegas, who initially expressed numerous concerns about the justifiable homicide provisions, endorsed the measure as amended.

The bill is the first major Second Amendment measure to see movement in the 2015 legislative session.

Numerous bills dealing with gun rights, including a measure that would allow people with concealed weapons permits to carry their weapons on college campuses, are awaiting action.

Assembly Judiciary Chairman Ira Hansen, R-Sparks, said he has tentatively scheduled a Wednesday work session for the many gun-related bills in his committee, including campus carry.

The various measures have prompted strong feelings from proponents of gun rights and those concerned about the changes.

Contact Sean Whaley at swhaley@reviewjournal.com or 775-687-3900. Find him on Twitter: @seanw801

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