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CARTOONS: Trump is giving thanks for this device

Updated November 28, 2024 - 7:28 am

Take a look at some editorial cartoons from across the U.S. and world.

LETTER: Trump is no genius on foreign policy

The only skillful deal-making Mr. Trump has ever pulled off was in selling to the electorate the biggest bottle of snake oil ever foisted on the American public: himself.

LETTER: The Colorado River condundrum

Today’s policymakers and water managers would do well to remember that their predecessors developed public works to meet future demand.

LETTER: Transgender athletes pose issues

While I agree that dignity and respect are essential, the issue goes beyond the physical advantage that some male athletes have. An equally significant concern lies in the locker room.

LETTER: Pardon me?

The parties have both lost a moral compass.

LETTER: Blaming Republicans for high drug costs

You can contact the drug companies and ask for help on the cost. There are other programs that offer assistance. Contact the National Cancer Society for information.