Convention authority plays vital role

To the editor:

Larry Whyte has obviously never dealt with the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (Wednesday letter). If all he thinks the agency does is advertise and promote Las Vegas, he is sadly misinformed.

We are a small group trying to bring a small convention (1,000 people) to Las Vegas in 2008. The LVCVA provided us with comprehensive information on the Las Vegas properties that could hold our convention. They provided a one-stop “request for proposal” to alert all Clark County properties of our requirements.

If we were larger, they could also help us with local transportation and central housing authority.

Having dealt with convention authorities in many other cities, we are pleased to have such an experienced and organized staff to assist us as the LVCVA. For a city so dependent on tourists and conventioneers, Las Vegas needs the best convention assistance that it can get.



Not generous

To the editor:

Your May 12 editorial referred to pensions for state employees as “generous.” Were you aware that state employees contribute to their pensions by either a payroll deduction each pay day or a reduced hourly wage? Were you also aware that state employees do not have Social Security deductions or credits?

Therefore, maybe their pensions are not quite as generous as you imply.



Vegas slogan

To the editor:

In her May 11 letter, Marion Schlenske wrote that perhaps the Las Vegas slogan, “What happens here, stays here,” was copycat paraphrasing of a line in the 1999 film “The Green Mile.” She asked if the convention authority could prove the slogan was conceived prior to that.

That’s an easy one. Stephen King, author of the novel upon which “The Green Mile” was based, and Frank Darabont, who wrote the screenplay, may owe a tip of the hat and some cash to Thomas Heggan and Joshua Logan, authors of the 1946 comedy “Mr. Roberts,” currently in performances through May 20 at the Las Vegas Little Theatre, by the way. Mr. King, et al, may have paraphrased the line, “Any criticism of this ship stays on this ship!”

Here’s a challenge for trivia buffs: Can anyone find an even older reference? There’s bound to be one out there somewhere.

Paul Thornton


Buckle up

To the editor:

I am so pleased to learn that the Legislature is concerned with my safety and that lawmakers are devoting their time and efforts to enact a law that will force me to “buckle up” or be fined. I am equally pleased to know that all Nevada police agencies are 100 percent behind the Legislature in supporting a primary seat belt law that would allow police to stop and ticket me solely for not wearing my seat belt.

Now I know that the police are truly concerned for my safety. For a time I was unsure of this, as I watch motorists every day tailgate me so closely that I can discern their eye color by looking in my rear view mirror — or as I observe motorists recklessly speeding, changing lanes without signaling, running red lights and acting as though they wish to commit murder with a deadly weapon as they travel about our streets.

All of this is apparently not a major concern of our local police.

Yes, when the Legislature passes a law that allows police to stop and ticket me for not wearing my seat belt, I’ll know that it was because the police were really concerned for my safety. Gee, I hope they’ll have time left over to ticket all those other guys who are trying to kill me.

And thank you, legislators, for tackling the most important issue in Nevada today. Surely the wearing of seat belts takes precedence over illegal immigration, funding education, car theft … Shall I go on?

Dennis Sarfaty


Autism awareness

To the editor:

My husband and I were extremely impressed with the Tuesday article, “Invisible disability leaves young people feeling alone in crowd,” which appeared on your teen-oriented R-Jeneration page. We have a 10-year-old son with Asperger’s Syndrome. The article so clearly described his symptoms, behaviors and difficulties.

One thing our children with autism are sorely missing is empathy. Children and adults alike with obvious disabilities usually get empathy from their peers. Because autism is an “invisible” disability, what our children usually get is teasing and bullying, rude stares and comments — or they are ignored completely and left out of social situations. It’s very sad, especially to parents, that society can be so cold.

Thank you for your article and for your time. We desperately need more awareness in our community and in our schools.



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