Bill Foley hit a home run with the Golden Knights

I would like to congratulate Bill Foley on his effort to bring the NHL to Las Vegas. The product that he promised, and the one delivered, is spot on. I love ‘em, and so do many of my friends. Mr. Foley hit a home run — with the name, the logo and, most of all, the quality personnel.

These young players are class acts, no sooner unpacking their bags and lacing up their skates before getting involved with helping this community.

Some didn’t like the logo or the fact that they left out “Las” from the team name. But when those same whiners pony up $500 million just for the franchise fee, they can name them their team the Sin City Eggheads or the Las Vegas Pollywogs if they so choose.

So, congratulations to Mr. Foley. He deserves it for bringing his golden touch, with the Golden Knights, to a city long starving for a major pro sports team. Rest assured that he has many more local fans hoping for his continued success and cheering his team on than just those in attendance at the T-Mobile arena.

As for the Raiders? That’s another story.

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