Bravo to Henderson couple who made Christmas brighter for local children

I read the front-page article about the good deed of a wealthy couple, Bob and Sandy Ellis (“All here: Girls, boys, toys, joys,” Monday Review-Journal). I don’t know them from Adam, but this is really a very good way to share their wealth.

All these kids, 750 of them, who received gifts from this couple will not forget this Christmas. A pair of shoes or slippers is a big gift to these kids. These gifts means a lot to them.

What a joy it must be for this couple to be giving gifts to these kids.

Mr. Ellis is right: How nice it would be if we had more of our wealthy families give to these underprivileged kids. Before we think of sending a penny to other countries, why not spend it for our underprivileged kids?

I hope Bob and Sandy Ellis have a wonderful holiday season.

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