Chuck Schumer gets rolled in shutdown showdown

The 2018 government shutdown did not end quietly, as the Tuesday Review-Journal editorial implies. The reverberations of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s tumultuous cave were heard and felt from the corner of Wall and Broad to the land down under, where media publications from both said Sen. Schumer would “torture Trump like a dancing bear.”

In fact, when all was said and done, it was quite the opposite.

President Donald Trump, scorned by his opponents as old, obese, mentally unfit and a political newbie, put a can of kangaroo whupass on Chuck Schumer and the congressional Democrats over the showdown on the shutdown.

Recall it is the retired icon of the Senate, Robert Dole, who coined the now famous phrase in D.C. political parlance that ”the most dangerous place to be in Washington is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera.”

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