Don’t paint police officers with broad brush

To the editor:

I am getting very tired of reading complainers such as letter writer Bill Edwards painting all police officers as being abusive to the citizens of Las Vegas. Mr. Edwards used a broad brush in his Tuesday letter instead of placing the blame where it should be placed: On the few who go beyond their authority.

We hold our police to a higher standard, but we should also recognize the type of people they are in contact with every day. If I had to deal with the worst in our society every day, I would probably have a short fuse, also.

I thank the 99 percent who protect us through duty to the law and don’t abuse the power given to them. I think of the thousands of times every day that the officers protect us and receive nothing in return and no recognition for their service.

Thank you, all, for your sacrifice for the citizens of Las Vegas. We don’t hear about the good you do, only about the few bad apples. Keep up the good work. You are appreciated.

Frank Walker

Las Vegas

Bad cops

To the editor:

Make no mistake, a cop’s job is one of the safest occupations in the United States. That is a fact, not an opinion. The police union barkers have been fooling the public with tales of killer gang bangers and dangerous drug dealers for so long that most people believe that is all they deal with.

Actually, it’s mostly simple traffic violations, teenage drinking and shoplifters.

The Las Vegas police force is filled with arrogant bullies who want nothing more than to inflict pain (or worse) on anyone in their path. If you are brave enough to stand up for your rights when confronted by a Metro officer, I have nothing but respect for you.

Mitchell Crooks is one of those brave men who did not back down to the playground bully. Running his video camera against police wishes was a dangerous move that could have cost him his life. That officer Derek Colling is on paid administrative leave and was not fired is truly disgusting.

This cop will be back on the street soon enough after a phony investigation conducted by a panel of yes-men clears him of all charges of misconduct.

To all the people who support and love cops under any circumstances, I have one question for you: Why do you think they do not want to be videotaped? I think the answer is loud and clear.

Jerry Crafton

Las Vegas

Real facts

To the editor:

Tuesday’s letter from Stacy Standley regarding the “diabolical triad of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld” had a major error in logic. Ms. Standley contends that had the “triad” not used 9/11 as a “false battle cry” against Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden would have been killed at Tora Bora, when he was cornered in Afghanistan.

Well, Ms. Standley, the battle at Tora Bora was in December 2001, a short three months after 9/11. It was not until March 2003 that we invaded Iraq. Iraq had no bearing on the outcome of Tora Bora.

It always amazes me how so many people look at the events of recent history with such disdain for President Bush that they forget to see what actually took place.

Bernadette Womack

Las Vegas

School district cuts

To the editor:

With all the furor over education spending, would someone please explain to me why any teachers should be laid off from the Clark County School District? The district has 38,000 employees, of which 18,000 are teachers. It seems that the “tooth to tail” ratio is low. If the primary mission is teaching, why not reduce the support structure?

I have never seen an explanation of, or debate about, why the support structure isn’t cut. All I see is teacher union whining about any cuts whatsoever.

Pat Sharp

Las Vegas

Plenty of credit

To the editor:

It’s a bird? It’s a plane? No, it’s SuperObama! He single-handedly plans the mission, flies the helicopter, puts it on auto-pilot and rappels down to the fortified compound. He stealthy locates Osama bin Laden and shoots him in the head, throws the body over his shoulder and climbs back up to the helicopter and escapes in a hail of bullets.

Back in his secret military base, he performs a DNA test on the body and confirms it is bin Laden. SuperObama saves the world again!

That was what I thought I heard when I listened to President Obama’s “I, I, I, me, me, me” Sunday night speech about bin Laden’s death.

My hat is off to our excellent military and intelligence communities for this great achievement. President Obama’s role needs to be put in the proper perspective, in that he deserves some credit for authorizing the mission, but in reality he was only a small cog in the wheel when it came to actually planning and carrying out of the mission.

Credit also needs to go to President George W. Bush, for it was his policies, kept in place by President Obama, that led to the intelligence gathering which located bin Laden.

Warren Willis Sr.

Las Vegas

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