Heck deserves credit for facing critics

In response to the Thursday story, “Protesters chase Heck after address to Hispanic group”:

So 20 whole people who have nothing better to do chase down Republican Rep. Joe Heck. Maybe you should find out if they have jobs … or if their job is chasing down Rep. Heck.

Why couldn’t your headline be that Rep. Heck meets with Hispanic voters and answers questions he has already answered dozens of times? Instead, you try to make this look bad for the congressman.

I found nothing newsworthy in the article. Joe Heck has answered those questions before and has had protesters before.

Steven Boles

Las Vegas

Star columnist

To borrow a phrase from a contributor to last Thursday’s letters column, I am “sick and tired” of Republicans being as thin-skinned as their nominee. Everyone knows how the Review-Journal leans politically, yet the paper prints one fair and balanced column by the great Steve Sebelius and people start throwing hissy fits (“Trump supporter,” July 21 letter).

In other words, everything has to have a 100 percent slant to the right or they go off the deep end. Well, that is their problem — if they would become a little more open-minded, they would wise up and cast more educated votes.

Also, Mr. Sebelius uses the same time-worn adjectives to describe Hillary Clinton.

Once again, do your research. Criminal, fraudulent and lying are more in tune with the way Mr. Trump has conducted his business and personal life. He thinks he is above the law now. God forbid he should get to the White House.

And please keep Steve Sebelius on the front page. In my opinion, he is one of your stars.

Anne Stephen

Las Vegas

Hateful buzz

Ira Stoll’s July 17 column “Terrible Trump? Clintons are just as bad,” compares Donald Trump’s promise to ban Muslims from entering this country — a promise that violates our First Amendment rights — with Hillary Clinton’s promise to overturn Citizens United. As one of the millions of proud Muslim-Americans in our country who follows Islam’s teachings of tolerance and love, I can assure you that the two debates are not at all comparable.

My husband and I love this country. We came here from Sudan to work hard to build a home for us and our children, like so many other Americans. But Donald Trump’s dangerous and irresponsible words are spreading intolerance.

Mr. Trump’s anti-Muslim message has affected my babies, who fear we will be taken away from our home. My 10-year old daughter asks me repeatedly if we will have to move away. My 8-year old son who used to proudly declare that he is Muslim, now fears sharing his love for his faith. I came from a country where expressing opposition can get you killed, so I will not stand seeing my children made to feel as if their faith places them in danger.

Mr. Trump needs to know that this election is very personal to me, and to many other Muslim families in this country. That’s why my family and I are doing everything we can to make sure Hillary Clinton becomes our next president. My kids grew more confident after knocking on doors sharing Hillary’s message of unity and equality with voters.

I know that our voices, together with Hillary Clinton’s, will soon make Mr. Trump’s hateful buzzing disappear once and for all.

Amel Ageeb

Las Vegas

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