LETTER: Al Gore’s impressive speech at UNLV

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore discusses climate change on Tuesday, April 30, 2019, at UNLV ...

As an attendee at Al Gore’s excellent presentation at UNLV, I was very pleased to see Henry Brean’s comprehensive summary of the event. Apparently the record-breaking crowd attended because they feel much the way I do: that climate change is a threat to our entire planet and will worsen as a danger to all countries and to the American way of life we take for granted.

Mr. Gore showed plenty of horrifying photos of the damage extreme climate events are causing here and abroad, and he presented statistics to prove the damage is real and escalating. It was gratifying to learn that efforts are underway to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, the major contributor to climate change, and increase our use of renewable energy.

Mr. Gore had plenty of compliments for Nevada. He lauded Gov. Steve Sisolak for joining Nevada with 22 other states in the U.S. Climate Alliance and for signing the renewable portfolio standard into law. This law mandates 50 percent renewable energy by 2030.

Although Mr. Gore did not mention it, there is a bill in the House — the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act — with 35 cosponsors from both parties, which represents a big ray of hope for mitigating climate change. It would place a fee on carbon emissions where they’re produced and return the money collected to American households.

With all this momentum for combating climate change, I remain hopeful that Mr. Gore’s message will be heeded and acted upon.

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