LETTER: Biden administration dysfunctional, out of touch

Vice President Kamala Harris. (Democratic National Convention via AP)

The Capital Chatter section in the March 24 Review-Journal was instructional in regard to how dysfunctional and out of touch the current administration is with the rest of America.

One of the leading causes of that dysfunction, VIce President Kamala Harris, announced a plan to end racial and ethnic discrimination in the appraisal of home values. Apparently, houses — in addition to freeways, those well-known bastions of racial animus — have now been added to the growing list of privileged and oppressive inanimate objects.

Also in the section, it is reported that the U.S. Army quietly dropped its plans for gender-neutral physical fitness tests. How many millions of dollars were wasted on this absurdly obvious experiment that the majority of female soldiers cannot compete at the same physical levels as their male counterparts?

Houses are racist and women are men. Try pushing that logic on the rest of America.

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