LETTER: Democrats keep trying to fool voters
During the 2018 election season, Democrats campaigned on a “Better Deal for Democracy,” focusing on jobs, wages and a better future for Americans. Included was their version of voting rights, campaign reform and the usual rhetoric against Donald Trump.
There was barely any talk of impeachment. That ended the moment they won control of both houses. The “Better Deal” agenda was put on the back burner and it was full speed ahead on their hidden agenda of impeachment.
As we approach the 2020 midterms, their rhetoric is about loan forgiveness, prescription drug prices, abortion and what they call the “fascist, extremist” right wing. There is no talk of the economy, crime, the border and the other problems.
I urge voters, regardless of affiliation, to adopt as their mantra the words from the The Who song, “Won’t Get Fooled Again.”