LETTER: Don’t blame the NRA for gun violence

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In response to Robert Rovere’s Saturday letter:

The NRA is not an impediment to the curtailment of gun violence. That stumbling block is found among the legions of politicians and their supporters who refuse to enforce the law’s penalties against those who commit crimes (regardless of the weapon used).

I would venture to wager (we are in Nevada, after all) that far less than one-tenth of 1 percent of all gun crimes are committed by members of the NRA. If that were not the case, we would be told by the media about how the NRA perpetrates violence by its members, lawyers would be filing suits to have the NRA branded a criminal organization and the politicians would be attempting to pass bills stripping the NRA of all property, including that of its members.

Mice try, Mr. Rovere, but no cigar.

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