LETTER: If Joe Biden’s agenda has been so successful …

President Joe Biden. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

In the March 12 Review-Journal article, “Biden to Democrats: Stand on agenda before midterms,” the president insists “we have to sell it with confidence, clarity, conviction and repetition.”

Mr. Biden’s “record to be proud of” consists of failures from day one. An agenda loaded with similar, catastrophic spending proposals, along with attempts to clean up the multiple errors. is no place for Democrats to hang their political hats using “confidence” and “conviction.”

“Clarity” is no better. Just look at the lack of clarity as it is applied to masks and COVID restrictions.

Now here is the key: “repetition.” Repeat something enough times over and over and over again and it will begin to sound like the truth. A person can train a dog to do new tricks simply by using repetition. Does Mr. Biden really think that he (Democrats) can train the public to vote the Democratic ticket in November? I guess so, or he wouldn’t have said to “sell” it.

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