LETTER: It’s time to build a water pipeline

FILE - This March 23, 2012, file photo, shows pipes extending into Lake Mead well above the hig ...

I agree with the concept put forth by Mr. Kromroy in his Wednesday letter (“Water Solution”). I would recommend that instead of constructing a pipeline from the Columbia River to Las Vegas, we zero in on tapping the Snake River. It is a large tributary to the Columbia.

The pipeline should start somewhere in the interval between the Jackson Lake Dam headwaters and where the Snake enters the Teton National Park. This area is about 600 feet above and about 270 miles from the Flaming Gorge Dam on the Green River in Utah, a major tributary to the Colorado River. The distance may be even shorter since the supplemental water discharge only needs to reach the dam’s reservoir and not the dam itself. A natural waterway may be available, and the system would operate by gravity, requiring no pumps and little continuing operation costs.

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