LETTER: Joe Biden throws us all crumbs

President Joe Biden. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Joe Biden knows he’s got to provide some relief to American citizens while at the same time continuing to pander to the climate change hoaxers and the extreme left in his party. So he fiddles around the edges of any meaningful fix. It’s like throwing crumbs to the masses to try to pacify us.

To quell the unrest, he says he’s going to lower the gasonline tax. Crumbs. Then he opens the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, which are supposed to be kept untapped except for a national security situation. What we are in now is not that. Crumbs again. Then he insults us further by announcing he will allow leases for drilling by oil companies on federal land. In the fine print, however, are the 50 percent upcharges in royalties that the oil companies must incur. He may find very few takers, but that’s OK because he really doesn’t want takers.

My one consolation is that the midterm elections are approaching, and we may be able to stop the bleeding.

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