LETTER: Judge makes right call on dealth penalty gambit

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The most interesting part of the Review-Journal’s Dec. 21 article, “Sisolak defends plan for death row,” was the outrage expressed by defense attorney Dayvid Figler, who clearly lives in the legal fantasy world of “It all depends …” It all depends on how you interpret Marsy’s Law. It all depends on your interpretation of the powers of the pardons board, and it all depends on how you interpret the Constitution and the separation of powers doctrine.

Judge James Wilson was right on every point, and he was supported by the Supreme Court, which sits on the board and by the attorney general’s office.

It isn’t often that the “It all depends …” twaddle is rejected as publicly, totally and loudly at such a high level as the pardons board without a word being spoken. Judge Wilson, the AG’s office and the Supreme Court did the right thing. Good for them, and good for us.

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