LETTER: Of course illegal aliens vote
It is illegal for a non-citizen to vote in our elections. Having said that, there are in excess of 20 million undocumented noncitizens in this country. Many are either wittingly or unwittingly registered to vote due to various aggressive methods used to facilitate voter registration such as motor-voter laws. In this election cycle, we have one party, the Republicans, that espouses deportation for those who are in this country illegally. The other party, the Democrats, espouses a pathway to citizenship for those who reside here as undocumented.
This represents a powerful incentive for the undocumented noncitizen to participate in this election regardless of the consequences that, in my opinion, would be minimal.
Unfortunately the Democratic Party stands against any effort to prove citizenship before voting. This includes the SAVE Act, which has passed the House but lays dormant in the Senate due to Democratic intransigence on the issue.