LETTER: Pandemic rental program: Good riddance

Tenants, who received an eviction notice from their landlord, fill out forms at the Civil Law S ...

Thank you, Clark County, for ending the Cares Housing Assistance Program (Tuesday Review-Journal), put in place during the pandemic. Your article found one person the CHAP program helped. I had a totally different experience.

In a moment of charity, I responded to a CHAP prospect. She was sweet and respectful — until I signed her lease. Then she threatened me physically. When I emailed these threats to her CHAP counselor, what did she do? She banned my email account and all future emails to her bounced.

The CHAP tenant never paid me a penny. I lost $900 in rent. It cost me $1,000 to evict her. And then she caused $1,800 worth of damage and stole $600 worth of my possessions, including a painting I painted myself. (I know priceless!)

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