LETTER: Pay back Social Security before breaking the bank on infrastructure

In regard to the so-called “infrastructure” plan that President Joe Biden is trying to push down the throats of the American public: If he is so set on this overreaching plan, then how about putting in some money to repay an IOU to the people of this country? That is all the money that was fraudulently taken from a lock box which was meant solely for Social Security.

I am sick and tired of being told that my Social Security is an entitlement that is running out of money and could go bankrupt in a few years. I paid into this fund for more than 50 years — as have millions of other people — but because the powers that be decided it would be a good idea to go into that lockbox and take that money for things other than what it was meant for, we are left to suffer the consequences.

So here is my Idea: Let’s put all the money that was taken from that fund and pay off the IOU and we can just call it “infrastructure” along with all the other less-needed things in this pork package. At least someone will get some use out of that money other than the people whom the Democrats are trying to appease.

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