LETTER: Taxpayers on the hook for student loan problem

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I’m sorry for Tillie Torres’s problems (“Veteran Vegas teacher finds student loan debt relief after 30 years,” Saturday Review-Journal). But it seems we’re paying for Mrs. Torres twice. Once on the student loan debt and again as a teacher.

My sisters both worked full time during the summer and part time during the school year to get their four-year degrees. It took me three years to get my associate degree doing the same.

My wife passed away last year, but I’m still responsible for my house payment of $1,400 a month. It was only $1,200 last year, but everything costs more. My insurance on my two 8-year-old vehicles has gone up $80 a month. I’m still held responsible for insuring my home and vehicles.

Perhaps now is the time for the government to get out of the student loan business. Make the colleges responsible, not only for the education but for the loans. Politicians are using student loan forgiveness for politics and not holding the colleges or the students responsible.

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