LETTER: The fallacy of so many political talking points

I wish politicians would stop repeating several sayings/slogans they believe sway voters, but instead show their ignorance. They are:

1. “(Blank) should pay their fair share of taxes.” First of all, our tax system is based on tax laws, not on paying a fair share. The laws are written by the same politicians who make this statement. Change the tax law if you don’t like what a taxpayer pays. There is nothing in the law that states a person or company has to pay a “fair share.” They never define “fair share” anyway.

2. “(Blank) got away without paying taxes because of a loophole.” As the late Rush Limbaugh used to say, a loophole is nothing more than a tax deduction someone does not like. Take all deductions to which you are entitled.

3. “We will not cut taxes until we can find a way to pay for them.” It is not really a tax deduction if you have to find another person to tax to pay for it. Isn’t that like robbing Peter to pay Paul?

I want to hear politicians say they are going to cut taxes, cut wasteful spending on government programs and fix our potholes. We are $31 trillion in debt any pay more than $400 billion a year in interest on the debt. I am afraid, though, that most of our politicians wouldn’t know how to balance a checkbook.

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