LETTER: The need for welfare and charity is an indictment of capitalism

In response to John Stossel’s Jan. 2 commentary, “Charities work better than big government”: Is it possible that charities and welfare exist as a result of Americans not being paid a livable wage?

I was perplexed by Mr. Stossel’s comment that, “Businesses do better things because competition forces them to spend money well.” Really? All I see are corporations gobbling up the competition, leaving us to pay the outrageous prices that feed already wealthy shareholders.

Mr. Stossel claims that capitalists create jobs and lift people out of poverty. That’s not my experience. I see jobs being eliminated to increase profit margins. I see work crews of 10 doing the jobs of 20. His “learned helplessness” claim is tired, old and worn out.

Bottom line? I shouldn’t have to rely on a charity because a CEO refuses to pay a living wage. I am not willing to go without cancer meds so a CEO can buy a third mansion. All I see in this commentary is an attempt to shift the burden of helping struggling Americans onto the shoulders of other struggling Americans. Too many Americans are suffering, and we know exactly why we are suffering. Mr. Stossel’s commentary is an insult to our intelligence.

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