LETTER: The Swamp just keeps on spending

(The Associated Press)

The federal government’s fiscal year ended Oct. 1, 2022. For the past three months it has been running on empty. Back in October, our so-called elected representatives were too busy getting re-elected to do the job they are paid to do. Plus, while in re-election mode, they don’t do anything controversial, such as address fiscal responsibility.

While campaigning, they paint themselves as representing everybody — all while millions in out-of-state dollars pour into their campaign troughs. When they are back in The Swamp, the truth slowly leaks out. They don’t represent Nevada. They represent the sugar daddies.

The $1.7 trillion legislative charade is a prime source of information. That equals $531,250 for every Nevada citizen. Does anybody remember a campaign promise to increase our debt load? Me neither.

I often wonder why out-of-state interests spend millions to re-elect Nevada’s congressional delegation. Follow the money. Nevada is cheap. For $15 million to $20 million they bought three votes in the House and two votes in the Senate. In return, they receive $1.7 trillion in pork, paybacks, contracts, employment, legislation, etc.

It’s business as usual in The Swamp.

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